
Posts Tagged ‘budget’

I was just reading through my classmate Damaris’ post about outfit shopping for special occasions on her blog, Her Name is Feliz. In the post she specifically talks about weddings and Rent the Runway, a website that allows girls to rent dresses for special occasions online, much like men rent tuxedos.

I obviously LOVE this concept. There is nothing worse than buying a really expensive dress, only to wear it once and then have it sit in your closet for the rest of eternity.  I’ve actually never tried the service myself, however my friends have used it before and have been quite happy with the results. However, as Damaris points out, the sizing can be a bit tricky. Even though one of my friends opted to get a dress in two sizes for New Years Eve, she had a tough time choosing the dress that “looked” best.

Haha, so silly. The things girls go through in the name of fashion!

This why I’ve recently decided to never buy anything expensive ever again! (I mean, unless it’s absolutely worth it of course.) I came to this realization a few months ago, after buying a pair of skinny jeans at Forever21 for $9.99.

Dark Skinny Ankle Jean -- $10.50 (Forever21)

Honest to God, it’s the best purchase I’ve even made. They are way more durable than designer jeans and look and feel exactly the same. Call me cheap, or whatever you’d like, but this girl is on a budget!

Ever since I made this discovery I’ve been buying their clothes online. It’s way better than going to the mall and sifting through endless clutter and piles of clothes. I always end up finding tons of great things and can buy them without feeling like a complete idiot afterwards!

I’m not a fashionista by any means, but here are a couple cute things I’ve picked out as examples. All can be purchased at Forever21.com.

Belted Geometric Print Dress -- $22.80 (Forever21)

Lovely Floral Dress -- $22.80 (Forever21)

Chantilly Lace Dress -- $29.80 (Forever21)

Little Black Bandage Dress -- $15.80 (Forever21)

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