
Posts Tagged ‘Chiweenie’

Right from the start, one of my favorite class blogs was Jenna’s “My Grey Obsession,” a blog about her Greyhound Janie. I’ve always been a dog lover, however two summers ago while I was working as a hostess for Martin’s Tavern in Georgetown, my heart was stolen by two Italian Greyhounds. They were sitting with their owner out on the patio one Sunday morning. I remember being taken aback by how sweet and friendly they were.

I’ve been intrigued with them every since.

Come to me little greyhound puppeh! (Flickr)

Ennh (Cute Overload)

Greyhound couch potato.

However, as much as I love Italian greyhounds, there is one mutt that will always own my heart. That’s my loyal, lovable pooch in Miami, Angel.

Now, I know that everyone thinks their dog is the “BEST,” however you couldn’t be more mistaken. Anyone that has met my dog will tell you he is the most charming little guy they’ve ever met.

My family was fortunate enough to stumble upon Angel about seven years ago. My brother was in middle school, and reaching the age where he was trying desperately to get my parents to buy a dog. After months of fruitless pestering, a puppy was found wandering around my brother’s middle school.  Long story short, the puppy was taken into the school’s main office and by the end of the school day, Angel was ours.

These were taken just seconds after I walked in the door last time I was home.

By the time I get into my room, Angel has already sprung up onto my bed!

We think Angel is a mix between a Dachshund and Chihuahua, or a "Chiweenie" -- Lol, I'm not making that word up.

OK well, I’ll wrap it up there before I continue on with my gushing. Seeing Angel is one of my favorite part about being home in Miami. I miss him and can’t wait to see him next time I go home!

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