
Posts Tagged ‘Youtube’

My friends when they discuss social media.


The next major milestone in my love affair with the Internet was Livejournal (please disregard the use of ❤ after EVERY blessed thing I say).

Livejournal was my first experience with blogging/ social media. Unlike modern blogs, Livejournal encouraged users to post entries about their personal lives, much like a diary. My friends and I got into Livejournal because we liked being able to share pictures, change our profiles, and just generally stalking other people’s lives. I definitely spent more time customizing my Livejounral layout every couple of weeks than actually writing in it.  Livejournal used CSS coding, which I never really got a hang of (at least not as well as HTML) but I was able to do basic things with it. The concept of writing a public blog about my personal life never realize struck a cord with me and  after a while I started making all my entries “friends only,” then eventually “private.”

I still write in my Livejournal every so often, but it’s just not the same.

After Livejournal, the Internet exploded. Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, now Twitter. Every time something new came out I immediately needed to try it out. Unfortunately, these sites don’t allow users to format their own profiles through code and slowly I lost interest. Looking back, I guess I regret not perusing website design. However to be fair, I really had no direction and almost no access to the proper tools or education. My high school’s computer class was once or twice a week and focused mainly on teaching Microsoft Office.

In all seriousness though, I’m mildly obsessed with the Internet. I love all the knowledge it provides. I love all the dumb memes and cute animals. I love all the hours of endless entertainment. It may surprise some, entertain a few, and downright annoy others. But alas, Internet:

I love you.

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